The US is near to joining the ever growing world of negative interest-rates 

Sometimes a piece of news comes with a splash of deja vu or if you prefer groundhog day. I had that sort of feeling last night when I noted via a tweet from John Authers who used to write The Long View at the Financial Times that the US five-year bond yield had fallen to a new low of 0.28 %. My immediate thought was is it going negative too? We have seen this happen in the Euro area with Germany the leader of the pack. More recently we have seen it in my home country the UK where both the two-year and five-year bond or Gilt yields have been negative for several weeks now. That is really rather extraordinary in the UK’s case but we know that these events are accompanied by a litany of official and media denials.

US Federal Reserve

We have become used to bond markets being like the puppet on a string that Sandie Shaw sang about in the 1960s.That was true as the Fed slashed interest-rates to the present just above zero and started on a wave of Treasury Bond purchases that peaked at 125 billion Dollars a day. At that point the Fed took a very tight grip on the string with market players becoming marionettes.

But now the rate of purchases has fallen since the beginning of June to 80 billion Dollars a month.There will be a knock-on effect from the 40 billion Dollars a month of Mortgage-backed Securities but even so the net effect since June began is the same as the daily peak. It is a sign of the times that such numbers now seem so small but compared to the scale of Treasury Bond issuance they are.

During the July – September 2020 quarter, Treasury expects to borrow $677 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-September cash balance of $800 billion.

With the way that the Covid -19 pandemic seems to be spreading again in somes US states that looks likely to be exceeded. So Mr and indeed Ms Market are buying US Treasuries.

Yield Curve Control

This idea has come to prominence as the US Federal Reserve has looked across the Pacific to Japan. There the Bank of Japan has targeted the benchmark ten-year yield aiming to keep it initially around -0.1% and now between it and 0%. Frankly I do not think it could be clearer cut that this is really about allowing the government to borrow cheaply and in some cases at no cost at all. It is not for the economic impact as pre pandemic the Japanese economy was shrinking. Putting it another way you do not change the name of a success and yet in Japan we have had QE,QQE and now Yield Curve Control.

A side – effect of this is that the bond market effectively dies in terms of volume so once you start it you end up si ging along with Elvis.

We’re caught in a trap
I can’t walk out
Because I love you too much, baby

So we seem to be in a situation where some market players are simply front – running what they expect the Fed to do.

Stock Markets

It used to be the case that bond markets rallies like this required equity market falls, if not plunges. Whereas now Yahoo reports this.

The broader market, however, ended Thursday’s session lower. While the Nasdaq Composite powered to yet another record high, S&P 500 ended lower, and the Dow fell by 361 points, or 1.4%, for its lowest close in six days. Each of Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Microsoft hit record closing levels again on Thursday, with investors crowding further into tech and software names viewed as most likely to recover strongly in the wake of the pandemic.

As you can see the FAANGs continue to surge and are taking the NASDAQ with them. Some of this is being oiledby the centrl banks with the Bank of England joining the US Federal Reserve in buying Apple bonds. Overnight  we have seen ralies in China too so we see in the modern liquidity driven era that asset markets run in a pack. So much for both hedging and risk management.


Officially the story is that there  isn’t any but I notice that fewer and fewer people buy that these days. The US CPI is essentially unchanged on a year ago but there is a catch.

Declines in the indexes for motor vehicle insurance, energy, and apparel more than
offset increases in food and shelter indexes to result in the monthly decrease in
the seasonally adjusted all items index. The gasoline index declined 3.5 percent
in May, leading to a 1.8-percent decline in the energy index. The food index, in
contrast, increased 0.7 percent in May as the index for food at home rose 1.0

The essential items people have been buying have risen in price whilst the things they haven’t have been falling. What could go wrong?

However you spin it there is very little allowance for inflation in a 0.28% five-year yield and the real yield will be negative.


I have left out the economic outlook until now so let me bring it into play.

ew York Fed Staff Nowcast
The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at -15.1% for 2020:Q2 and 10.4% for 2020:Q3.
News from this week’s data releases increased the nowcast for 2020:Q2 by 1.2 percentage points and increased the nowcast for 2020:Q3 by 8.9 percentage points.

This week’s pandemic news means they seem set to subtract some of the expected growth for Q3. Thus not only has the outlook turned down it remains extremely volatile. Ordinarily I would say that would make bonds more attractive but of course that relied on them having a yield which these days is fast disappearing.

Another source of demand comes from the US Dollar because the safest place to hold Dollars is in Treasury Bonds. The more uncertain things look the more Aloe Black will be singing ” I need a $ a $ is what I need”

On these roads we see that US Treasury Bond yields are slip-sliding away and the two-year at 0.15% is in the van. In my country  the UK when the final push came it happened quite quickly.

16 thoughts on “The US is near to joining the ever growing world of negative interest-rates 

  1. The FED asset purchases program is winding down like you said, maybe that is what is knocking the wind out the stock market and yields.

    FANGMAN is holding on though as more people cash fewer stocks.

    Inflation is everywhere if you know where to look. In the US it’s in the stock market, in the UK it’s in the housing market, in a few years it will be in the local supermarket.

    I moved to Thailand 10 years ago, it was 56฿ to £1 then, today it’s 38฿ to £1. Many retirees are thinking of moving back to the UK because their GBP does not give them the same purchasing power it did 10 years ago.

    Good post as always.

  2. Hello Shaun,

    with efforts to stop a 1930’s depression then the Fed will issue more dollars which isn’t good but the opposite will be to have that depression – and that’s a no .

    But bear in mind they don’t seem to have the plans to reverse this , or actually do anything else at all ( including a planned big crash although I know some readers will disagee with me on that ) .

    oh deary me !


    • Issuing more dollars with high employment and higher living costs will give us stagflation or hyperinflation.

      Call me old fashioned, but I think I’d rather have a depression than either of the above :).

    • Interesting Forbin, on macrovoices this week Hugh Hendry suggested that the Treasury print and distribute money directly instead of relying on not QE (QE) from the Central Bank. This would be the real manifestation on extra dollars spent either for MMT helicopter money for the people or bridges to nowhere by the state.
      Hugh thought that would induce an inflationary upset int he USA as Dollar fell, causing imported inflation and reduced demand for Chinese production. It seems a nuclear option, probably resisted in early implementation as EU block and China sought to maintain exhange values.

      I struggle to think of another way out but whether this comes off in 2020 or 2024 I cannot forecast.

  3. Inflation decline partly because of lower fuel prices because people have to stop travelling, so if you can’t do it the price is irrelevant. Similarly, one would expect insurance on a vehicle to decline if we’re in less danger of damaging our vehicles by not travelling 7 if we’re not going out, & climate change activists are lobbying, why buy unnecessary clothing?
    So there’s no real benefit to the consumer for these lower prices.
    The decline was offset by food & shelter. Hmmnn…
    Why can’t we have indices which reflect the real-life experience?

    In the video linked below, at 50mins 30secs we here from behavioural experts why liars need an internal logic to their fabrications:

    It is not logical to permit children to play in very close proximity, whilst continuing to advise that adults maintain social distancing, for the blindingly obvious reason that, although children may, overwhelmingly, be asymptomatic, this does not mean they do not become infectious, which may be ok if children are isolated from the rest of society, but, since they often go home to households peppered with adults, there is a glaring lack of internal logic in their strategy.

    Such a simple, obvious, lack, means lies.
    Lies do not signal incompetence, they signal deception.

    ” These include the five-mile travel limit and social distancing guidelines for children being lifted from Thursday, July 3.

    This means children under the age of 12 will no longer have to follow distancing rules when meeting other children or adults outdoors.

    For those who are aged 12 to 17, they will need to adhere to distancing rules, but there will no longer be a restriction on the number of different groups they can meet in a day.”

    • Out of the blue just got a £50 refund from Motability because their insurance costs were reduced due to low mileage by users. In common with many, did not put fuel in the car in April, May, June so fuel prices are irrlevant to me for personal use but not for moving stuff around so that I can buy it. Inflation moves due to fuel costs are much more complex to calculate than they were 6 months ago?

  4. US PPI missed forecasts which add to the doom in the US.

    As for the stock market both in the US and the UK I think like you they are still too high but this is partly due to negative bond yields and low interest rates people are still prepared to take a risk.

    However with job losses accelerating both in the UK and the US, Wells Fargo announced job cuts yesterday, the stock markets may suffer a delayed reaction and the fall come later on in the year.

    The main reason for the bounce in the stock markets was the easing of lockdowns but I think it was premature myself, cases are still rising in the US and today its being claimed the R number rising again.

  5. It is really a race to the bottom, with everyone trying to ensure their currency diesn’t Become overvalued, so as to knock out the mirage recovery. Add in the US November election and I suspect the Donald is leaning on the Fed too, given his poll ratings.
    One thing featuring in my Youtube feed is a lot of videos about the US military build up along with its allies, notably Japan with its first new aircraft carrier, India and Oz, heading for a showdown with China.
    Much of this money printing seems to be driven by Modern Monetarism and Friedman’s view that the underlying cause of the Great Depression of the 30s was a lack of liquidity. Of course, there are many, who maintain that the recovery from that Depression was due to a war.
    “Those, who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” and “Only the dead have seen the end of the war.”, said George Santayana.
    A war would also be a handy excuse for the Donald to delay the election.

    • Hi Dave
      The “Currency Wars” speech was made in September 2010 so it will soon be a decade long. Back then the Brazilian Real was being bounced around by the US Dollar, so not much changes. In between the Carry Trade allowed most currencies to fall against the Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen. Something that still drives their economic policies. We could see the Euro go that way as a sort of ersatz DM especially f Italy goes for uscita.

      The “Helicopter Destroyers” were an obvious gambit we discussed on here a few years back. The equivalent of the Through Deck Cruisers of the Royal Navy. Hopefully we can avoid the war….

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