What happens when a central bank becomes a hedge fund?

It is a sign of the times that we need to sub divide the intervention by central banks but we do. So today I will not be looking at the sovereign bond buying of which, for example, the Bank of England will deploy some £1.473 billion this afternoon. As this is state to state action although some still live in a sort of delirium where the central bank independently does this.

What I am referring to is where the central bank buys private-sector assets. For example if I switch to the European Central Bank or ECB then in its latest published weekly data it bought three types of private-sector bond. The largest has been of Covered Bonds of which the various programmes total  290 billion Euros with 1.5 billion bought that week. Oh and you will not be surprised to learn that this went on well before the ECB started general QE and it benefits the banks.

 A bank sells a number of investments that produce cash, typically mortgages or public sector loans, to a financial institution. That company then assembles the investments into packages and issues them as bonds. ( Investopaedia)

A rather similar effort is the purchase of asset back securities about which you may recall ECB President Mario Draghi making quite a song and dance a few years back. Anyway in spite of the hype this has not amount to much in the general scheme of things at 30 billion Euros and 600 million added in the week.

It is hard not to have a wry smile as I note the purchases across the rest of the economy are smaller than those to help The Precious! The Precious! As the corporate bond programme totals some 247 billion Euros with 1.9 billion bough that week.

The issue here is twofold. The ECB is exposing itself to a genuine risk of loss and it is favouring some parts of the economy over others. That starts with favouring the banks and moves onto helping larger rather than smaller companies leading to more risk of Zombification. All of that gets a much bigger risk of the central bank sings along with David Bowie.

Fashion, turn to the left
Fashion, turn to the right
Ooh fashion
We are the goon squad and we’re coming to town
Beep-beep, beep-beep

Here is Isabel Schabel from late August.

One idea that I have been pushing a bit in recent months is the idea of a green capital markets union. The idea is to combine the whole reform process for capital markets union with the green transition. I think there is a huge potential there for Europe. It would help a lot and would also – in an uncontroversial way – allow us to buy more green bonds.

What could go wrong? Especially as she seems to think she and her colleagues know better than financial markets.

 And there is the alternative view that markets are not pricing climate risks properly, so there is a market distortion.

Equity Purchases

Bank of Japan

These add a new level of risk as at least in theory bonds offer more protection for an unwary central bank. So let me start with what brought this subject to my mind today.

Tokyo’s benchmark stock index started December in some style. The Nikkei Average enjoyed its highest close since April 1991.

The index ended Tuesday at 26,787, up 1.3 percent from Monday’s close. Investors placed buy orders in a wide range of sectors from the opening.

Tuesday’s bounce came after news that US pharmaceutical firm Moderna has sought regulatory approval for its COVID vaccine. They say it was 94 percent effective in clinical trials.

The strong start to December followed a month that had the Nikkei firing on all cylinders.

Vaccine news and the US election result helped boost the index by 15 percent. ( NHK News)

So the Nikkei 225 index had a pretty stellar November and that theme has continued today. However we learn something by noting that even a month where it rose by 15% the central planners at the Bank of Japan still felt the need to buy equities twice as they bought a bit over 70 billion Yen on the 13th and the 18th. This is a road to a situation where their equity holdings now exceed 35 trillion Yen which is why I have described it as The Tokyo Whale in the past. Putting that into context that is the equivalent of owning Toyota which is Japan’s largest company more than one and a half times.

The Bank of Japan acts passively and buys exchange traded funds ( ETFs) aiming to match the Nikkei 400 index.So with the concentration of equity markets these days it will not be much different to the 225 index as even in it the smallest 40 rarely traded even in my time working there. It also buys smaller amounts ( 1.2 billion Yen) of both commercial property REITs and equities to promote physical and human capital. In fact it does the latter most days.

For those of you unaware of this I guess I have given you a completely different perspective on the Japanese stock market and in particular on its rise.

Swiss National Bank

It too is an equity buyer but this time of foreign equity as its road to here was via its enormous foreign exchange interventions as it has battled the rise of the Swiss Franc. Remember the days when it promised and indeed boasted that its interventions would be “unlimited”. Well it piled in so much it found itself with a problem in the conventional way of hedging this. This is because the scale meant it was distorting Euro area bond markets for example as we mull it competing with the ECB. So its brains trust came up with the idea of buying equities which has turned out to be mostly in the United States.

The equity portfolios in the foreign exchange reserves comprise of shares of mid-cap and large-cap companies in advanced economies and, to a lesser extent, shares of small-cap companies, as well as shares of companies in emerging economies.The SNB does not engage in equity selection; it only invests passively. ( SNB)

You may note that the investment seems guided at first but then switches to pretty much anything. I can however give you a pointer to the US holdings from the SEC data.

As of 2020-09-30, the fund was valued at $127,874,338,000.

With the US market hitting new highs that will have risen since then. Also here are its main holdings there.

According to SNB filings to the end of July, a third of its $125 billion equity portfolio were held in technology stocks. Some 5% of the SNB’s holdings were in Apple shares alone – its single biggest investment – and 18% of its equity stash was in the top five U.S. tech giants.

Something that may get Swiss watchmakers a little hot under the collar is their central bank’s large stake in the producer of the Apple Watch.


One theme here is the fact that it is the countries I described back in the day as the “Currency Twins” who are at the outer limits of central bank action here. Although there is a nuance in that the SNB is the one explicitly playing the currency game whereas The Tokyo Whale is only playing it implicitly, But there are joint dangers here.

  1. Risk of bankruptcy of a share holding. That is fresh in my mind today via the collapse of Arcadia in the UK although as a private company it was different.
  2. What do central bankers know about equity market investment?
  3. How do they ever stop and one day reverse course?
  4. How does this fulfill their mandate?

There are differences as the SNB has the advantage of playing in a much larger market whereas the Bank of Japan is more like Gulliver in Lilliput. How can it exit its own equity market and who would it be able to sell to? As it continues to buy more we get another perspective as it gets ever more unable to retreat.

In conclusion the wider danger is that other central banks get in on the same game as they spot that in relative terms UK and Euro area equity markets have underperformed.


18 thoughts on “What happens when a central bank becomes a hedge fund?

  1. If there is one thing we can say about equity markets it is that they _always_ underestimate risk. To be an investor you have to be positive by definition or you would never touch the stuff.

    I don’t like that definition of a covered bond and there is a distinction between an Asset Backed Security and a covered bond, the latter being a historically much older instrument type.

    Back in my days of doing risk engines and pricing for the wreck of MBS, CMBS and ABS I found my favourite ABSes were the securitisation of predicted future museum gate receipts. I’m sure other readers will jump in with memories of their own favourite ways of tying up hopeful future income streams from various dubious sources into an investment grade vehicle. Bonus points if your Special Purpose Bankruptcy remote Vehicle is situated in an English speaking tax haven.

    • Bootsy

      It just depends what type of investor you are, and whether you are seeking to invest in the hope you are protecting yourself against inflation or simply intent on making as much money as you can trading shares, then you need the gambler instinct to make money.

      Professional investors don’t treat shares like family and friends if they don’t perform they don’t hang onto them for too long.

      • Ah, Peter. You make me nostalgic for the days when I read books on investing strategies, then invested (cautiously mainly) and knew when/why I got it right/wrong. Seems like a different world entirely. Remember old fashioned approaches like understanding potential future cashflows. Possibly the fundamentals to business success are not too dissimilar yet, but the imported inflation to the capital markets over the last decade would see me fold my hand to it all now.
        Regards, Iain

        • Ian,

          I took the same approach in the 70s and taught by a conservative elderly gent at the time when buying shares was seen as investing.

          Then in the the 90s realised things were changing and there was more to the markets by just holding on to shares for a long term investment and also share prices could be manipulated and short selling could pull companies under we learnt that in 2008 financial crisis.

          Things have definitely changed and I am not sure whether its for the better it was the short sellers who drove Halifax share price so low it couldn’t be refinanced and its happened since with many huge companies.

          I actually don’t like short selling it can pull a company down before it can be refinanced.

          There are big time gamblers now out to do whatever damage they can to make money.

          The rule book has changed.

  2. Are we heading to a situation where central
    bank backed companies will become TBTF
    like property prices and the precious?
    So if,as they hope the masses follow into
    the market then the answer to
    point 3 is never.

    • I suggest we ere already there..we are sacrifcing all SME’s on the basis that the 1) Banks, 2) MegaZombieCorp and 3) Property Magnates all back the Govt. policy line whatever that might be…

      There will nto be the inconvenience of rational “little people” to argue.

  3. As I mentioned (rather late) yesterday, I think that the end-game may be something completely unexpected, such as a simultaneous write-off by all the central banks of their bonds (immediately reducing the apparent indebtedness of the relevant country). This may sound preposterous, but then who would have said anything different about QE ten years ago? the bank would need recapitalising, but then who is to say that this could not be done by some clever wheeze, perhaps with new digital currency?
    Rather than sell the shares and crater the markets, what about the companies cancelling the shares or the bank distributing them to the population at large?
    I only put these crazy ideas out there, as I can see no more sensible exit policy being put forward. In fact, I cannot see any exit policy, full stop and I believe that the current universal central banking orthodoxy of buying everything in sight and reducing interest rates to or below zero is bound to lead to calamity. When the crash happens, it will of course be unforeseeable at the time.
    Ps I love the suggestion that attaching the word green to bonds somehow makes a bond union acceptable…

    • “Ps I love the suggestion that attaching the word green to bonds somehow makes a bond union acceptable…”

      I’d rather have greenbacks.

    • James, I like your thinking. cancel all Govt Debt, replace the system with digital currency where the former bond owners are recompensed but in digital handcuffs. I see this coming in 2021… that is why they don’t mind pumping to the sky..its blue and bubblicious.

  4. The Green Transition:
    One question I would really like answered is this, “Why, if “climate science” is settled, do governments continue to pour billions into research grants for climate change?”

    Are govts. actually “funding” research into why some species may move a few degrees N or S (dependant upon their hemisphere) or is it to buy the “scientists'” silence?

    I follow leading edge climate science closely enough to know that it’s in disarray, even after having had billions ploughed into the newish CMIP6 models.

    • You can get scientists to say anything with sufficient funding. I hold up Imperial College. If you boost their ego (get on TV) and give them money its a dead cert they can find any answer you want.

      • Yet some think that scientists are political virgins.
        Does anyone think that that there’s many a climate scientistwho would risk his mortgage/career/status/life by telling us anything other than the party line?

        That’s why most “contrarians” are retired; they are no longer sucking on the tit of the public purse.

  5. Hello Shaun,

    ref: “What happens when a central bank becomes a hedge fund?”

    well nothing much actually. The bank gets and asset for the money issued.

    As for anyone else , since when has that mattered ? This is new age economics you know.


    • Hi Forbin

      In some theories now money is treated as an asset so I guess they have not experienced rapid depreciations/devaluations. But on the other hand paying 0% is not the disadvantage it used to be and in Germany and Switzerland in particular is an advantage.

      In the end it will create inflation which is why they are always so desperate to keep asset prices out of inflation measures. Putting it another way since Abenomics began the Nikkei 225 has more than trebled and the Japanese economy has done not much. So inflation?

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